q       Book : Selinting Ganja di Tangan (A Marijuana Cigarette in the Hand) , 1999.

q       Book : Modul Pendampingan Anak Jalanan Perempuan (Module to Assistance Female Street Children), 1999.

q        Booklet : Tak Seorang Pun Dapat Berkata “Pestisida Aman” (No One Can Say “Pesticide are Safe”), 1999.

q       Booklet : Mendeteksi Bahaya Pestisida Rumah Tangga dengan Uji Produk (Detecting the Hazards of Household Pesticides through Product Testing), 1999.

q       Comic : Jerat Utang Negara Dunia Ketiga (The Clutches of Debt in the Third World), 1999.

q       Book : Yang Diuntungkan dari Bisnis Racun: Industri Pestisida (Those who Benefit From the Poison Business : the Pesticide Industry), 2000.

q       Comic : Monitoring Partisipatif pada Proyek-proyek Bank Dunia (Participatory Monitoring of World Bank Projects), 2000. English and Indonesian edition.

q       Book : Modul Advokasi Berbasis Monitoring Partisipatif (Module for Advocacy Based on Participatory Monitoring), 2000.

q       Comic : Memahami Utang Luar Negeri (Understanding Foreign Debt), 2000. English and Indonesian editions.

q       Comic : Kelompok Peduli Lingkungan, Lokomotif Petani Advokasi (Environment Concerned Group, Locomotive to Farmers’ Advocacy), 2000.

q       Poster : Lingkaran Racun (The Poison Circle), 2000.

q       Comic : Memahami Rekayasa Genetika (Understanding the Genetically Modified Organisms), 2000.

q       Book : Keuntungan Palsu; Pemenang dan Pecundang yang sebenarnya ketika IMF, Bank Dunia dan WTO Memasuki Negara Kita (False Profits; Who Wins Who Loses When the IMF, World Bank and WTO Come to Town), 2000.

q       Book : Pestisida Perkebunan (Breaking the Silence! Plantation & Pesticides), 2000.

q       Book : Pestisida Berbahaya Bagi Kesehatan (Warning! Pesticides are Dangerous to Your Health), 2000.

q       Flipchart: Advokasi Berbasis Monitoring Partisipatif (Advocacy Based on Participatory Monitoring), 2000.

q       Transparency kit : Advokasi Berbasis Monitoring Partisipatif (Advocacy Based on Participatory Monitoring), 2000.